Our Story

Who We Are

Founded in New York City by two young female entrepreneurs, Mimosa is a lifestyle driven activewear brand. The name Mimosa is inspired by a brunch cocktail. We want to create an upbeat, bubbly and cheerful brand image and bring out an attitude that you should work hard, have fun and dedicate your happiness to everyday living.

We incorporate modern, leisure elements into activewear designs so that you can wear our clothes on any occasion and still look chic. We are also an urban-living female community. We aim to cultivate confidence, individuality, and femininity among our customers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to introduce and advocate an active, healthy and premium lifestyle through bringing fun, upbeat elements to your daily activities and fitness performance.

Our values


We value versatility as our design principle. Every product is multifunctional and multipurpose, allowing you to pay the price of one, get the value of two and more. 


We incorporate the newest technology, design and features in our products to accommodate various needs of our customers.


We are dedicated to minimal waste in packaging and production. Let’s team up to accelerate the change in textile industry and protect our planet.


We want to connect with you and spread positivity and good energy to many more people. We host events to bring you all together to meet, connect, and empower each other.